There was a lot of confusion about how to solve the animal scramble and I realized I should have posted some explanation of what was going on. Each scramble is just one animal scrambled up - there are four options as to which animal has been scrambled. You just try to, using your knowledge of what animals look like, make an educated guess between A, B, C, and D. Courtney, this week's champion, was probably like "hmmm, I know that it has to be either a dog, a cat, a frog, or a looks small like a frog but it isn't green...wait...frogs usually won't have fur and they're usually green so I'll rule that out...looks smaller than a dog but it's a picture so it could've been re-sized...I wonder if it is actual size..." and then she would've had it narrowed down to only three animals that have fur and aren't green and now has a 33% rather than 25% chance of a successful guess.
Also, it won't help to look up other sites that have animal scrambles because each one I post will be custom made from scratch on day of posting.
Additionally, I'd like to award this week's winner with a custom desktop pattern entitled "Gimme Four."
Simply click on the picture with your right mouse button and select the "Set as Background" option. To get the most out of your desktop pattern open Control Panel > Appearance and Themes > Display > Desktop > and choose either stretch or tile. Stretch will fill your screen and give you larger hands and tile will fill your screen and give you more hands of the same size.
Then if you minimize the windows you're working in you'll still be able to see some while you're working on something else:
If you didn't win please respect the integrity of the competition and don't just take the desktop pattern for yourself.