This one I made at my desk with an outdated scanner that was installed for no reason whatsoever. I even emphasized to the powers that be that I have no need for such equipment and would never use it. This picture proves my foresight to have been fallacious:
This picture was another product I invented but never pursued beyond the most elementary stage of development:
This is a flyer for an event I held last summer, the first of its kind, when Jon, Bill, and I were in the midst of exploring our masculine freedom. Eric never reciprocated our passion though he did string us along for quite a while. After several phone calls to his residence he ended up having his mother answer and inform us that he was "not feeling well." It killed my beard-buzz and I ended up shaving it off while on the phone with a friend ultimately cutting myself in several places and was forced to abruptly end the conversation because I was bleeding profusely.

Perhaps you should start pursuing some of your inventions beyond MS Paint. Even if they sometimes don't seem entirely relevant, I can see you generating plenty of extra income from couch potatoes being suckered in by the late night informercials.
Yeah, I've just been waiting for the right one for a bit too long now and the need to take action is looming over me. Maybe I'll post a compilation of all my ideas and put to a vote which one I'll seriously undertake. I imagine one vote will end up settling the matter.
My vote is already spoken for, count me down for " Lazer Licks: Chad Siebken's 10 steps to Beamz mastery." DVD.
Upon reading your suggestion I was struck with an idea for an awesome business endeavor. Since nobody wants to buy beamz we could set up a kiosk in the mall with a beamz and use a pay-to-play model and while they're playing we'd be recording video of their performance with backed by a blue screen in which, upon their choosing, we could set as a raging crowd, beach, smoky nightclub, etc...
You could even tape it for them and for a small fee send them on their way with their very own VHS tape of them beamin it up in front of a stadium sized audience to show to friends and family.
Brilliant!! To expand upon that we could also work with various businesses and set up the tapes so the beamz performance is preceded by a number of commercials.
Not to nitpick but isn't the preferred nomenclature "beamzin?"
JD's top uses for Beamz
5) Your owm theme music, very useful.
4) A kick ass home alarm system.
3) Chasing unwanted guests away.
2) A Beamz duel, battle rap style.
1) To unclog the toilet.
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