...but I took an Ambien instead.
I got curious about the afterlife...

...but I got Ambien in my head.
I was going to ride a dolphin...

...but got called a fag and got rocks thrown at me.
I was so upset and didn't know what to do...

...so I cried for a moment wondering where I put my Ambien.
It's okay to cry I told myself. It's ok.
I found my Ambien and I was ready for a break...

...I was too eager and took too much.
I can't go to my job anymore or play music or talk on the phone with family and friends but none of that is a drag where I'm going. Where I'm going I am agile and attractive, competent, worthwhile. There are several jobs they'll let me do. Good jobs too, jobs where you can take a thought, focus on it, and carry it with you through eternity and you can have Ambien, infinitely.

I'm starting to get worried...but as long as you're not snorting or shooting it I won't form an intervention. Think about your loved ones.
Worry not, I'm just trying to educate children about the dangers of riding dolphins.
how does one obtain ambien?
Say "Doctor, I can't sleep!" and stomp your feet.
What will they give you if you're sleeping far too much?
A high five.
Hope you are okay, maybe some sublingual melatonin would be safer...Love Mom
Ha! I'm A-OK. Couldn't be better as a matter of fact. Just trying to provide some entertainment for the little tykes.
/thred jack
Remember the 80's when you would find yourself in a trailer park, and you would see a fat guy in a wife beater (holding a beer or watching WWF or both). Then you'd get a nasty glimpse of the pale and tenderness of the underside of his armpits? I've decided that this particular underbelly describes Republican perfectly.
Here is an angry mob in PA, all worked up by some Hate-M radio DJ for sure. Try to forget about the hate, inane crap they spew, and the sheer ignorance, instead notice how they all have the same shade as the armpit of the wife-beater.
I think they need their own country and, preferably, a small arms budget.
More proof that blogs should be taken with as much salt as hate-M radio.
The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama...
again, notice the pale.
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